Saturday, January 21, 2012

Excitement, excitement

Tomorrow (Sunday) I am going to my first indoor range!  DH and I are going to Blue Ridge Arsenal in Chantilly, Virginia.

Then Tuesday I am going to another indoor range because I get to meet A Girl and Her Gun in person!  YEAH ME! LOL

I plan to blog about both in the future. :-)


  1. Lucky you! I've only shot at an indoor range once, which was fun. I love the freedom of shooting at outdoor ranges, but think I could quickly get used to shooting indoors when the weather is bad.

    Have a great time.

  2. Oh fun! I have not been to Blue Ridge yet, let me know what you think!

    I am very excited to meet you too!! It's gonna be fun!

  3. it's not a bad one although personally when i'm in that area i prefer sharpshooters 8D
