Monday, December 19, 2011

My Story...

Recently the wonderful lady from A Girl and Her Gun asked me if I would like to write "my story" for her.  She likes to post the stories behind why different women started carrying their guns or at least what brought them into actively shooting on a regular basis.

Since I wrote a small blurb about my story at the beginning of this blog, I figured I would post here what I sent to A Girl and Her Gun:

My “gun” story.  That sounds rather ominous, doesn’t it? LOL  There is not a LOT to my story really, no close call with danger, no epiphany on personal safety, just a spouse that started going to a range and a wife wanting to join in.

I grew up in a hunting family.  Guns were not something that was viewed as “taboo” in my home, but I really had no interest in them.  I remember shooting one of my dad’s rifles when I was about 10 and it leaving a big bruise on my shoulder. LOL  

Fast forward many years and now I am a wife and mother.  DH was a semi-regular hunter with rifles and a couple handguns locked away at his mother’s house.  They were kept there most of the time since she had a cabinet with a lock and we did not.  I was never anti-gun or even squeamish to have them in the house with kids, because we always taught our kids that guns were NOT toys and to respect them.  We just never had the room at our old townhouse to safely store them at the time.

After moving out to a more rural area, where we had a larger home with some land, DH started hunting more with our neighbor.  Started hunting with a bow and really embracing a more “outdoor” lifestyle.  So, when DH decided to start going to the local range in the spring of 2011, we eventually all went with him.  I became pretty proficient with a 22, but never really liked any of his 9mm’s.  I just was not comfortable with them.  I did not like the way they handled for me.  After months of trying out different guns, which included the new Glock 19 my DH purchased for himself, I finally found my Springfield Armory XDm 9mm.

That was in August of this year (2011), since DH wanted me to get my CCP.  I told him that I needed a gun that I felt comfortable with, if I was going to carry it around from protection.  So... I am now the proud owner of my own handgun and a conceal carry permit.

That is my story.  I am just your average mom who is proud to exercise her 2nd Amendment right to carry the means for personal protection, almost, every where I go.  (The places I can not carry are for a whole post of its own. LOL)

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